Thursday, 30 January 2014

My Advertisements

I made 2 different advertisements which both looked quite different. I liked them both in different ways and was unsure of which one to use.

Advertisement #1

I like the way this one matches the album cover; it's like a bigger version of it with text information on it. It provides synergy to both my digipak and advertisement. Also, people would identify the album cover in stores from it if they saw it in stores after seeing the advertisement. However, I feel like it may be too similar to my digipak cover, maybe there needs to be a little variation to make it interesting. I couldn't add a picture of the album cover to it as it is so similar to the advert, and it would look messy and confusing. Also, filling the frame with Eloise's face worked well for the digipak, however, with the advert being bigger and wider, it may look a bit intimidating. I need my advertisement to be opposite; inviting. I want people to be gently and politely invited into buying the product.
Following the idea of it needing to be inviting, I made another advertisement.

Advertisement #2:

For this advertisement, I used the same photo as I did for the inside of my digipak. This still provides synergy, but in a less obvious, possibly more sophisticated way. I think this photo is great for use in advertising and trying to sell the product as it is friendly and inviting. It looks like a real, disposable camera photo taken at a party which is something that the audience can either relate to, or aspire to. I think it perfectly sells the idea of youth, fun and partying which is what our artist is about. This advertisement has also allowed me to use the album cover in it, which I think is a nice touch in album advertisements (all the best adverts I'd looked at had the album cover in a smallish square on them). This version has also allowed me to keep to the pink/purple colour theme (I had to have black writing on the other advert in order for it to stand out).

I decided to post them both on Facebook for people to give me feedback (on my timeline and on Lily Allen's page) so that I could get the opinions of my target audience which my friends list is full of, and the viewers of Lily Allen's page is full of.

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