NeverShoutNever is an indie-pop artist who is singed to his own independent record label. Our artist is also a pop artist signed to an independent label. Our audience we be similar to NeverShoutNever's so his advertisement will give me an indication of how ours should be layed out. It is a simplistic design that clearly states the artist's name, the name of the release, when it is available, the artist and record label website, and the EP cover. There is a coherent colour theme and the background image is a zoomed in, blurred part of the release cover. This is important to create a synergous brand image for the product. It is not overcrowded with information; only the essentials. It is bright and colourful to suit the pop genre, and I also think the simplicity is representative of the quite stripped-back pop music he makes. I think that this advertisement is representative of a pop artist on an indie label. His audience are mostly between 10-25 and a young audience are easily distracted and don't want a lot to look at, therefore a simple advertisement is best for them as they will take in the important information and not get distracted by anything else on the advertisement. It does not feature a picture of the artist, and this isn't usual for the pop genre.
Jessie J
This advertisement was for Jessie J's debut album, Who You Are. As it was for a debut, this advert was particularly important as nobody knew who she was and her target audience had to be targeted without knowingly being her audience yet. Jessie J is quite an 'outrageous' artist in the way she dresses interestingly and is not afraid to be different from the standard pop artists of today. Our artist is also a debut artist with this kind of image so it is important to take not of Jessie J's advertising material so that I know what direction to head in. This advert is quite simple. It features the album cover, the album name, the name of a hit song that features on it, the artist's website and the logos of the record labels. The way that the album cover takes up most of the advert is an important point; the audience need to notice it so that they recognise it instantly when they see it in stores. The information is in a simple, legible font that makes it stand out and easy to read which is very important. There is a strict colour theme of just black, white and gold to match the album cover. Black, white and gold are also colours that usually stand out and catch the eye. Jessie J's face on the album cover is very large and eye catching chic is important for a debut to establish the artists and make her recognisable to people when building her identity and reputation. One problem with the advertisement is that is does not state the release date. This is extremely important for an advertisement, especially for a debut as she does not yet have fans who follow her that may find out when it is out from some other source (e.g emails). This advert would be most peoples only source for the release date. The simplicity of the advert and perfection of Jessie J's look is reminiscent of the pop genre, and will be exactly what the audience is looking for.
Katy Perry
This advertisement was for Katy Perry's debut album, One of The Boys. It is a very visual advert that directly establishes her very distinctive, 1950s image. It is a very 'cute', 'bubblegum' image that is definitively pop, and something that her audience of young girls will love and aspire to. It features an image of her in the same garden setting as on her album cover. It looks like an extension of the album cover, and is very synergous. I think that this is a very important part of the advert because it is like the audience gets to know her image and theme; very important for a debut artist. It states the artist name, the album name, the name of a hit single from it, the release date, the artist's website and the album cover. It is very important to state the name of a hit single that features on it because she is a debut artist and people will only have heard that one song. If they liked the song, it will invite them into buying the album. The artist's name and album name are in a nice, eye-catching font that also match with the girly, 1950s 'bubblegum' image Katy Perry had at the time. The other important information is in a very legible, bold font that is easy to read and stands out as it is in the colour white and contrasts with the background. There is no record label information, which I feel isn't too important but it is something that I will include.
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